Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Exposure Gauteng Walkabout to Lanseria International Airport

On the 22nd may our group made a visit to Lanseria Airport to photograph a "behind the scenes" viewpoint of the airport. We had arranged some special access to the venue and some of the results can be viewed off the following link

Mango, Mango, Helicopter, propcraft- a veritable mixed salad
Having landed, now taxiing to offload passengers
The sun sets on another hard days work

You can view some our Group's work and images by copying and pasting the following link into your internet browser

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Exposure Gauteng Melrose Arch Walkabout 25th April 2013


Our peer mentoring group visited Melrose Arch for the April outing of the Group. As one of the Mentors of the Group, it was specifically rewarding to see how some of our "beginner" category photographers have grown over the last few outings. For the first time I spent more mentoring than shooting images, but had a whale of a time doing so. You can view some of my images shot during the outing by clicking on the selected thumbnails.